о нас -Tuskon Makina Kimya ve Gida Ltd.
Tuskon Makina Kimya ve Gida Ltd. Авторское право©2002-Еда И Напитки Онлайн. Все права защищены. ICP NO.:Zhe B2-20090288-2
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Tuskon Makina Kimya ve Gida Ltd. Авторское право©2002-Еда И Напитки Онлайн. Все права защищены. ICP NO.:Zhe B2-20090288-2
Demande En LigneTuskon Group is manufacturer, international trading, sourcing, importing and exporting company established in Gaziantep/Turkey. Tuskon machinery, Tuskon Foods, Tuskon Chemicals and Health products are member of Tuskon Group of Companies It is our firm belief that friendship founded on business is much better than business founded on
Demande En LigneWith more than 1000 employees, a production area of 800,000 m2 and half-a-century old experience, Pi MAKİNA is one of the leading companies in Turkey and of the prominent companies around the world with its heavy equipment and
Demande En LigneMakina per shitje Shitet Audi Q3 2.0 TDI Quattro S-Line (0 reviews) Add to Wishlist Add to Compare Makina per shitje Shitet Volkswagen Passat CC (0 reviews) Add to Wishlist Add to Compare Makina per shitje Shitet Hyundai Tucson IX 2WD Premium Viti 2014
Demande En LigneTrade date 2012/06/29 B/L No. 800917470; Supplier tuskon makina kimya ve gida ur Buyers syed sher agha ltd.; POLs mersin PODs kpt; Supply area Turkey Purchas area Pakistan; Weight 7.16 Amount ——; Hs code Product tags freight prepaid,diapers,gh; Product description DIAPERS NET WEIGHT : 6706 KGS ; FREIGHT PREPAID
Demande En LigneConçus avec de nombreuses fonctionnalits comme celle-ci, les systèmes d'automatisation intelligents de Pi Makina permettent ses clients de raliser une production de bton fluide et de qualit." Gölbaşı Main Factory G.O.P. Mh. 79/1 Sk. No:6 PK:10-11 06831 Gölbaşı, Ankara – TURKIYE Concasseurs; Équipement de Concassage;
Demande En LigneTUSKON MAKİNA KİMYA VE GID.ÜRN TİC. LTD. ŞTİ.. Profil sayfamıza buradan ulaşabilirsiniz. İletişim bilgilerimiz, çalıştığımız ülkeler,şehirler, çalışma yollarımız, araçlarımız ve daha fazlası bu linkte. Hedefimiz, tüm nakliye sektörünün ve bu sektörle yolları kesişen
Demande En LigneHyundai tuskon Të gjitha Automjete Makina Llogaria ime Njoftimet Dyqanet Krijoni njoftim Postoni një njoftim të ri Ky funksion është përkohësisht i padisponueshëm. Për të krijuar njoftime, ju lutem zgjidhni dhe paguani planin që ju përshtatet.
Demande En LigneAbout Us. TUSKON Group of companies; Wheat FlTUSKON GROUP MAKINA KIMYA VE GIDA LTD. (including semolina) mills with any capacity. Maize flour plants. Animal feed plant and spare parts. Stone crushers (Jaw and impact) Bakery and Bread Machinery. Baby Diapers, wet wipes Instant Powder drinks, Pasta, Spaghetti. Chicken bouillon, beef
Demande En LigneName: TURKON GRUP MAKINA KIMYA VE GIDA URUNLERI TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI Main Products: Wheat Flour Milling Machineries,Feed Milling Plants,Stone Crushers,Baby diapers,Baby wipes Business Type: Manufacturer Total Employees: 51 - 100 People Established Year: 2004 Main Markets: Domestic Market, South Asia, Southern Europe,
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